Virtual environment (Python)

Create a virtual environment for your Python app in a few steps. (For Linux and OS X). Go inside the directory where you want your virtual environment and type in the terminal:

This command will create a directory called myvenv with the virtual environment.

Start your virtual environment by running:

Now that you inside the virtual environment (you will know it because the prompt of the console is prefixed with ( myenv )) you can install whatever you need using pip. To get the latest version of pip type:

When working within a virtual environment, python will automatically refer to the correct version so you don’t need to specify anything.

Create a requirements.text file and add packages inside.

Run the following to install them:

The end! Happy coding!


Creating a Django app with a Postgres db using Docker Compose.

I was following this great tutorial.

To run the app:

docker-compose up command from the top level directory for your project.

The app should be running at port 8000 on your Docker host.

Now that I have my app set and running I want to start creating my content.

I want to create an app where users can login/logout securely and perform CRUD operations with their logins.  That means I will need a Login model. Each login will have some attributes too: a version, length, hash, type and prefix.

Some webs ask you to change your password many times so you can store in this interface the number of the version where you are currently, and don’t have to remember it. Same thing happens with that extras that some webs ask you, like a specific length, or special characters that the SuperGenPass don’t use. If a web asks me about a special character I put it at the beginning of the generated password. This interface would be a great place where you can store all info without compromising your security.

Creating my model.

To be tidy, I am going to create a new app, dashboard, and let know to Django to use it, in supergenpy/ I add ‘dashboard’ to INSTALLED_APPS.

I create my Login model inside and run my migrations:

docker-compose run web python migrate --noinput

Now, what I want is to see my Login model! For that I create a superuser.

I need the id of my docker-compose container:

docker-compose ps -q

and I run the following command

docker exec -it container_id python createsuperuser

When you run this command, the server has to be running.

Then, you can return to the browser and login in the admin dashboard (http://localhost:8000/admin/) with the credentials you have set up in the command line when creating the superuser.